Saturday, March 17, 2007

Boxers 'n' Briefs: The Gathering Storm

Hello to all you LBers who aren't at a gathering this weekend (both of you!).

Seems like there are a LOT of them going on, both this weekend and in the next few weekends to come. I guess that makes sense - combine an Irish/Traditionally Alcohol-Imbued Holiday with the Advent of Spring, throw in a few Letterboxers antsy to get out and about, and the results are bound to be Gatherings! So to all of you lucky enough to be mixing and mingling with kindred spirits, lift a glass for me... and to the rest of us home-bound with sick kids (like me) or tied down with work or just too far away, remember that St Patrick's Day is the PERFECT day to be Green with Envy!

And one more thing - this IS the middle of "Toad Hollow" week, so don't forget to do a little planting to help lift the spirits of those who might need it, or thank those who have lifted yours. Enjoy!

1) Salmon-chanted Evening...

2) Elementary, my dear.

3) Accounting your chicks before they're hatched.

4) Waxhaw, waxoff.

5) Beachin', man!

6) This'll do in a pinch.

7) Good news from Texas!

8) deniserecycles.

9) Did you get a First Finder's Certificate?

10) Postal regulations.

11) Blotchy me, baby!

12) Virtual hugs are on their way...

13) The Lick of the Irish.

Happy St Patrick's Day, Happy Toad Hollow Week, Happy Gatherings, and Happy Boxing, everyone!



At 11:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

ooh... my blotchy stamp made it into the Boxers 'n' Briefs... kinda makes you not mind the blotchyness so much =o)

Rhea of The Gillespie Tribe


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